奇石乐作为经验丰富的开发合作伙伴,帮助客户在工业、研发等领域优化产品和流程,持续保持竞争优势。这家瑞士家族企业以其创新的传感器技术推动了汽车开发和工业自动化以及众多新兴行业的发展。奇石乐广泛的应用技术与经验和绝对严格的质量意识助推轻量化制造、汽车安全、减排和工业 4.0 等方面的创新。
分布于全球58个城市和地区的超过1600名员工致力于创新测量方案的开发,并提供面向应用的本地化和个性化支持。自 1959 年成立以来,奇石乐集团与客户共同发展,并于2016年取得了3.64 亿美金的销售额。每年约 10% 的收入回馈创新和研发 – 以便为客户提供更好的产品和服务。
About the Kistler Group
Kistler is the global leader in dynamic pressure, force, torque, and acceleration measurement. Cutting-edge technologies provide the basis for Kistler's modular systems and services.
Customers in industry, research, and development benefit from Kistler's experience as a development partner, enabling them to optimize their products and processes so as to secure sustainable competitive edge. Kistler plays a key role in the evolution of automobile production and industrial automation. Drawing on its vast application expertise − and always with an absolute commitment to quality − Kistler drives innovations ahead in areas such as lightweight construction, vehicle safety, emission reduction, and Industry 4.0.
The Kistler Group is an independent, owner-managed Swiss corporation. More than 1 600 employees at 58 facilities worldwide are dedicated to the development of new measurement solutions, backed by individual application-specific support at the local level. Ever since Kistler was founded in 1959, the company has grown hand-in-hand with its customers. In 2016, it posted revenue of USD 364 million, about 10% of which is reinvested in innovation and research – with the aim of delivering better results for every customer.公司地址:上海市闵行区申长路1588号15号楼 (邮编:201107)
更新时间:2021年7月16日 17:52