知名全周期设计服务企业,Mod Service Design在商业及地产领域均有杰出贡献。Mod提供与建筑、室内、陈设、整体规划及周边产品的设计服务。2004成立于新加坡,2010年在上海成立联合办公。为中国及中国港澳台客户提供更多便捷服务。
A well-known full-cycle design service company, Mod Service Design, has made outstanding contributions in the commercial and real estate fields. Mod provides design services for architecture, indoors, furnishings, overall planning and peripheral products. It was found in Singapore in 2004 and its joint office was established in Shanghai in 2010. Mod offers convenient services for customers in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
先后荣获2019中国建筑装饰?业最具商业价值设计机构及最具原创设计机构。LookBox Design Awards;CREDAWARD地产设计大奖;Idea-Top 国际空间设计金奖;APDC AWARDS 亚太设计精英邀请赛金奖等殊荣。
It has been awarded the 2019 Most Valuable Commercial Design Agency and the Best Original Design Agency in the Building Decoration Industry in China, as well as, LookBox Design Awards, the Top Prize of CREDAWARD, the Gold Award of Idea-Top International Space Design, the Gold Award of Asia Pacific Design Awards for Elite held by APDC AWARDS and many others.公司地址:上海红墙创意园 ?共和新路1481号1栋 1号线延长路站 (邮编:200072)
更新时间:2021年2月20日 16:19