DotConnector,上海华昂商务咨询有限公司,2011年11月成立, 致力于连接新技术与商业, 推动企业科技创新与产业升级的服务平台。 华昂引领企业在数字化时代下创新升级! 华昂公司旗下有产品: 国际峰会及活动服务平台 “华昂会议”、 最强外脑服务平台“华昂智库” 、金领学习分享成长音频项目“华昂音眼” 、高端专题培训企业升级平台“华昂训练营”, 企业解决方案服务平台“华昂猎手”。华昂不仅是个线下服务平台, 也有线上的活动,华昂的活动是为各大企业,合作伙伴客户提供行业资讯交流连接服务。 迄今为止我司在北京、 上海、 广州、深圳、厦门、杭州、青岛、成都、福州等地举办了各种高端会议和定制活动。华昂旗下的三大品牌峰会: 中国企业数字化创新展(CDIE)、全球营销技术峰会暨华鹰奖颁奖盛典(GMTS)、亚太银行数字化转型系列峰会(BRMS), 在行业内具有重要影响力并成为行业标杆。
Dot Connector, located in Shanghai, China is a joint venture company focused on establishing international business communication platforms. We devote ourselves to enhance a scientific structure, refine industry knowledge, and explore information interaction digitalization of global industrial information exchange. We provide tailored solutions to simplify the process of global business leaders’ strategic decisions based on comprehensive and precise integration of industrial information.
Our core business in consulting segment is to gather global decision makers to investigate industry hot issues and formulate development strategy, through independently produced business events of different industries including international summits, forums, workshops, overseas investigation, offline salons, trainings and industry information release etc. We have industry specialist committee staffed by renowned industry experts and qualified scholars, benefited from remarkable social resources. We explore strategic cooperation with hundreds of global authoritative organizations and media partners to further contribute a new market environment of industrial information exchange platforms.、
DOT CONNECTOR stands on Asia Pacific,DOT CONNECTOR covers different markets including transportation, finance & investment, food & retail, energy, health care & pension, manufacturing, business tourism, games & media and others.公司地址:上海市静安区沪太路1111弄大融城7号楼806室(7号线行知路1号口) (邮编:200065)
更新时间:2021年2月20日 16:26