LONGCHAMP 珑骧北方(北京)贸易有限公司
Longchamp「珑骧」 由尚·卡士格兰先生于1948在巴黎创立,至今一直由卡士格兰家族经营。Longchamp「珑骧」推出了包括手袋、行李箱、和配饰等,近年来更成功发布成衣和鞋履系列。Longchamp「珑骧」作为国际性的奢侈品牌在过去的半个多世纪里紧跟潮流、传递能量,代表了轻松、优雅、创意无限的法式风情,与全世界追求轻奢华的***分享他们的每一天。并通过不断地推出充满新鲜能量的广告,以及与艺术家跨界合作,展现了充满现代感却不失俏皮的Longchamp「珑骧」精神,彰显其在时尚界的地位。作为拥有精湛工艺和不断创新的品牌,在全球拥有超过250家精品店。
French luxury House Longchamp was founded in Paris in 1948 by Jean Cassegrain, is still owned and run by the Cassegrain family today. Longchamp’s luggage, handbags and accessories have a worldwide reputation for craftsmanship, quality, which now extends to shoes and ready-to-wear collections. Longchamp is an international brand that has maintained momentum and energy across the decades. It epitomises French flair, fresh and inspiring creativity, as well as sharing the active lives of women across the world who enjoy a touch of luxury every day. Refreshing advertising campaigns and exciting collaborations with artists underline the contemporary and sometimes playful spirit of Longchamp, which owns more than 250 exclusive boutiques worldwide.公司地址:北京市朝阳区朝外大街乙6号朝外Soho D座1039室 (邮编:200030)
更新时间:2021年2月20日 22:48